Alternate Foreign Minister G. Katrougalos and Secretary General for International Economic Relations and Development Cooperation G. Tsipras on visit to Iran (Tehran, 17-21 December 2016)

Alternate Foreign Minister Giorgos Katrougalos, accompanied by the Foreign Ministry's Secretary General for International Economic Relations and Development Cooperation, Giorgos Tsipras, is carrying out a working visit to Iran (17-21 December 2016).

During this visit, Mr. Katrougalos has already had consultations with the Deputy Foreign Minister for European Affairs, Dr. Takht-a-Ravanchi. He has also met with Foreign Minister Dr. Zarif, the Alternate Minister for Urban Development, Mr. Kashan, and Deputy Petroleum Minister, Mr. Zamaninia.

During the meetings, the Greek delegation reaffirmed the very good level of bilateral political relations and both sides looked at the potential for further development of bilateral economic relations.

December 20, 2016

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