Deputy FM Amanatidis meets with Metropolitan Emmanuel of France and Greek community/educational organizations (Paris, 5 November 2015)

Deputy Foreign Minister Ioannis Amanatidis carried out a visit to the Holy Metropolis of France today, Thursday, 5 November 2015.

Mr. Amanatidis was received by Metropolitan Emmanuel of France, who showed him round the Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Stephen as well as the seat of the Holy Metropolis of France.

During the meeting, Mr. Amanatidis referred to the need to strengthen the interfaith dialogue, which is following major issues for humanity, including peacemaking in the Middle East, noting in this direction the contribution of both His Eminence and the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Metropolitan Emmanuel of France briefed Mr. Amanatidis on initiatives to be undertaken in the near future with regard to the refugee crisis, through the interreligious dialogue, the upcoming Paris Climate Change Conference, and the Holy and Great Synod in June 2016.

Subsequently, Mr. Amanatidis, together with Deputy Education Minister Theodosis Pelegrinis, met with Greek community and educational organizations at the Greek Embassy in Paris.

The discussion focused, on the one hand, on the current situation with regard to the structures of Greek-language education in France, and, on the other, a briefing of Greek community organizations in Paris on the Foreign Ministry’s recent initiatives concerning Hellenism Abroad.

November 5, 2015

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