Foreign Minister N. Kotzias to participate in an extraordinary meeting of the 28 EU Foreign Ministers and in the Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels, 13-14 November 2016)

Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias will participate on Sunday, 13 November, in the extraordinary meeting of the 28 EU Foreign Ministers, in Brussels, during which a discussion will be held on the results of the US elections and the future of the relations between the European Union and the United States of America.

On Monday, 14 November, Mr. Kotzias will attend the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), at which he will present Greece’s positions during an exchange of views on the recent developments in Turkey.

The Foreign Ministers will also discuss the situation in North Africa and the Middle East, while the working luncheon will focus on Syria. Mr. Kotzias will brief his European Union partners on the results of his recent visit to Lebanon, which was carried out as a follow-up to, and in the spirit of, the Rhodes Conference for Security and Stability.

The FAC agenda also includes the course of the Eastern Partnership, the assessment of the implementation of the Goals set by the 2015 Riga Summit, and the evolution of the EU’s relations with the Eastern Partners.

Finally, the FAC afternoon session – in a joint session of Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministers – will look at the Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy and the progress in the drawing up of the Implementation Plan on Security and Defence.

November 11, 2016

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