Deputy FM Amanatidis’ speech to the Special Permanent Committee on Greeks Abroad (Parliament, 3 November 2015)

My Dear Colleagues,

During the reading of the government’s platform statements, we set two goals: on the one hand, to activate the State, and, on the other, to mobilize Diaspora Hellenism with the vision of Greeks abroad having a substantial and strong relationship with the homeland.

Today I am before the competent parliamentary committee to present to you the first tangible steps in this direction, as well as the overall planning of the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad, which we oversee.

This relationship between Greeks within and without our borders concerns us on all levels today, more than ever before, as human capital is the only guarantee of our country’s speedy exit from the crisis.

So, we are under an obligation to speed up the processes on an institutional level in order to provide all of the necessary tools to an intangible yet dynamic capital for our country.

Starting at the top, we are initiating a legislative initiative for the World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE), pursuing maximum consensus, with democratic self-organization of the institution and strengthening of its standing and effectiveness both within and beyond our borders.

At the same time, however, we are pursuing a substantial relationship between Greeks abroad and here at home in their day-to-day lives, moving ahead to reforms and structural changes that all work to modernize public administration.

For the first time, we are proceeding to the electronic interconnection of the Greek Embassies and Consulates throughout the world with the Foreign Ministry.

More specifically, the Greeks of the Diaspora will have access to the same services as Greeks here at home, as they will be able, through the electronic system in the country where they reside, to obtain certificates of all kinds (e.g., Birth, Next of Kin, etc.) and deal with matters such as the national cadaster.

The pilot implementation of the system took place in Rhodes, and then a new round of pilot implementation in Dusseldorf, Germany.

At the same time, we are capitalizing on new technologies to point up the long-term presence and the breadth of potential of Greeks abroad. In this context, we have set in motion the digitization of the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad (GSGA) archive, for scientific purposes and for the first time.

In this way, researchers, Greeks and non-Greeks, will have electronic access to archival material, books and public documents, that have to do with Diaspora Hellenism.

At the same time, we are utilizing diplomatic resources in the fields of cultural and religious diplomacy, potentially multiplying the levels of our intervention in the international environment.

A first step is the declaration of 20 May, the birthday of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, as Greek Language Day. This initiative is aimed at strengthening Greek-language learning internationally and spreading Greek culture. A relevant Presidential Decree is required, and then its recognition by the UN and UNESCO.

So it is clear that our aim is not only the strengthening of the ties between the homeland and Diaspora Hellenism, but, and mainly, interaction between Greeks within and beyond our borders on a new foundation that is functional, modern and effective.

November 3, 2015

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