- 2024-08-27 Travel consent for minors from EU, travelling to Greece with an adult other than their parents or legal guardian(s) / Soglasje za potovanje mladoletnih oseb, ki so državljani EU in potujej
The Embassy of Greece in Ljubljana wishes to inform that minors coming from EU countries who would like to travel to Greece, with an adult other than their parents or legal guardian(s), will need to carry a written declaration of consent, in Greek or English...
- Announcement of Greek Government Scholarships for Slovenian Nationals for the Academic Year 2023-2024 and for the Summer Seminar in Greek Language and Culture 2023
We are pleased to inform the Slovene public about the decision of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece on the scholarships that the Greek government intends to grant to foreign nationals, including to Slovenian citizens, in the context of...
- Regional event “NET 0” (Maribor, 6 September 2022)
OnTuesday, 6 September 2022, the regional event “NET 0” took place in Maribor, focusing on ways to practically promote zero net greenhouse gas emissions. The event was co-organized by the Institute for Strategic Solutions / ISR, the Slovenian Public Agency for...
- 29.08.2022 – Visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dendias to Slovenia – Participation in Bled Strategic Forum 2022
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Nikos Dendias, visited Slovenia and participated in the 17th Bled Strategic Forum (BSF 2022, Bled, 29-30.08.2022) and specifically in the Ministerial panel titled: "How many challenges for Europe"....
- Modification of the validity of Greek passports issued as of 1st September 2022
The Embassy of Greece in Ljubljana informs the public that in accordance with Law 4962/Government Gazette 148 cl. A' /28.07.2022, the validity of ordinary Greek passports issued as of 1st September 2022 is increased from five years (as is currently the case for...
- 10.06.2022 – Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Nikos Dendias, with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Ms. Tanja Fajon, Thessaloniki, 10.06.2022
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Nikos Dendias, after the Ministerial Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the South Eastern Europe Cooperation Process-SEECP (Thessaloniki, 10.06.2022), had an introductory meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and...