Schengen Visas
Do I need a visa to travel to Schengen Countries/Greece?
For a stay of up to 90 days in the Schengen area, citizens of the non-Schengen countries are requested a Schengen Visa, unless they are exempted from this obligation due to their nationality and type of travel document they hold.
To check if you need a Schengen visa to travel to Greece click here.
As of 15 December 2010, Albanian citizens holding a biometric passport are able to travel freely to Schengen countries.
Where to apply?
If you intend to travel to only one Schengen country, your application must be submitted to that country’s Consulate.
If you intend to travel to more than one Schengen countries, the application must be dealt with by the Consulate of the main destination. The main destination is the country in which you intend to spend the longest time. If there is no main destination, i.e. you are going to stay in each Schengen country for the same period of time, your application must be submitted to the first Schengen country you intend to visit.
How and when to apply for a Schengen Visa?
To apply for a Schengen visa, you must complete an application form.
When you apply for a Schengen visa, you must present a number of documents, including your passport, which must be valid for at least 3 months after your visa period ends.
You should lodge the application within six months and at least 15 days before the trip.
What is the visa application processing fee?
The fee for processing a Schengen visa application is €90. Greece does not charge a visa fee for children under twelve years. Visa applicants from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus pay a reduced visa fee of €35 in accordance with the relevant EU visa facilitation agreements. The deposit of the amount in the bank must be strictly made on the same day as the appointment with the Consular Authority. The deposit is made at OTP Bank Albania (for the Consular Office of the Embassy in Tirana and the General Consulate of Saranda), or ABI BANK in Albania for the General Consulate of Korçë.
Furthermore, holders of diplomatic and service passports are exempt from visa fees on the condition of reciprocity. For other exemptions cf. Article 16 of the Visa Code. The visa fee is not refundable if a negative decision is taken on the application or if the application is withdrawn.
Do I need to give biometric data (fingerprints and photo)?
After the introduction (on 25 September 2014), of the Visa Information System (VIS) in Albania, applicants for Schengen short-stay visas need to appear in person for the collection of biometric data: ten fingerprints and a photograph are collected from persons applying for a visa. However, for subsequent applications within 5 years, fingerprints can be re-used from the VIS file unless there is reasonable doubt regarding the identity of the applicant. Finger scans are not required from children under the age of 12 or from people who physically cannot provide finger scans.
As VIS relates exclusively to Schengen short-stay visas, Albanian citizens holding a biometric passport are not affected. However residents in Albania who – due to their nationality and type of travel document they hold – fall under the Schengen visa requirement will be submitted to the VIS procedure.
How long is the decision making procedure?
The processing of visa applications usually takes up to 15 days. But it can sometimes take up to 40 days in specific cases.
What are my rights in case of rejection due to registration in the Schengen Information System or the National Record of Undesirable Foreigners?
To learn about your rights in case of rejection due to registration in the Schengen Information System or the National Record of Undesirable Foreigners see here.
To download the information request form about personal data processed in the National Schengen Information System (N-SIS) click here.
For further information see here.
Please note:
For applications lodged at the Consular Office of the Embassy of Greece in Tirana, please book your appointment by sending us an email at