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The 32nd Lonsdale st. Greek Festival attracts thousands of Melburnians

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

The Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne & Victoria successfully organised the 32nd Lonsdale street Greek Festival.  For two days (23 and 24 February) the Greek community presented to thousand of Melburnians a wide selection of street food, music and dance on various stages and a feel-good attitude to remember.  The Festival attracts not only large numbers of visitors but also representatives of the federal and state governments, who always have positive things to say about the achievements of Greek-Australians throughout the years.

In this year’s opening ceremony, the Leader of the Federal Opposition (Labour), the Hon B. Shorten, the Federal Minister for Women, the Hon K. O’ Dwyer representing the Prime Minister, the Federal Member for Calwel, Mrs M. Vamvakinou, the State Minister for Health & Ambulance Services, the Hon J. Mikakos representing the Premier of Victoria, the Shadow Minister for Citizenship & Multicultural Affairs, Mr. N. Angus, His Grace Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis, the High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus, Mrs M. Mavromati, the Consul General of Greece in Melbourne, Mr. D. Michalopoulos, the President of the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne & Victoria, Mr. B. Papastergiadis a.o., they all gave rousing speeches.

The 32nd Lonsdale st. Greek Festival attracts thousands of Melburnians
