Embassy of Greece in Canberra
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Embassy News
Wreath Laying at the Hellenic Monument on the occasion of the National Day of Greece (Canberra, 30 March 2014)
“Food for thought” Event at the Hellenic Museum (Melbourne, 9 March 2014)
Visit to the New South Wales Parliament (27/2/2014)
Celebration of “Australia Day” at the Prime Minister’s Office in the Federal Parliament (26 Jan. 2014)
Canberra Multicultural Festival (7-9 Feb. 2014)
Ambassador’s Visits to the Jewish and Holocaust Museums of Melbourne (22 January 2014)
Lecture at Monash University Summer School on the Greek economic crisis (Melbourne, 21 Jan. 2014)
DFAT Christmas Reception for the Diplomatic Corps (3 Dec. 2013)
Maiden Speech in Parliament by MP Nick Varvaris (Canberra, 11 December 2013)
Delphi Bank 20th Greek Film Festival in Palace Electric Cinema Canberra (29 November – 14 December 2013)
60th Anniversary Dinner by the Athenians Association of Sydney (23 Nov. 2013)
Christmas Luncheon of the Elderly Association of Melbourne (18 Nov. 2013)
2nd International Colloquy on the Parthenon Sculptures (Nicolson Museum, Sydney, 15-17 Nov. 2013)
Visit of Greek Schools of Melbourne (26-28 Nov. 2013)
Visit of the Embassy by the Hellenic Lyceums of Sydney and Xanthi (23 Nov. 2013)