Greece’s course in the EU
The Greek Government
and Constantinos Caramanlis in particular, aimed at integrating the
country into the European Union as a full member. Indeed, the
application for full accession was submitted on July 12, 1975, by means
of a letter addressed to the President at that time of the European
Union Ministerial Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ireland,
G. Fitzgerald
The reasons behind Greece’s choice for full accession to the Community can be summed up as follows:
- Greece considered the Community to be the institutional framework within which stability could be brought into its democratic political system and institutions.
- Greece sought to reinforce its independence and position within the regional and international system as well as its "power to negotiate", particularly in relation to Turkey, which, after the invasion and occupation of Cyprus (July 1974), appeared as a major threat to Greece. Within this context, Greece also sought to loosen its strong post-war dependence upon the United States of America (US).
- Accession to the Community was regarded by Greece as a powerful factor that would contribute to the development and modernization of the Greek economy and society.
- Greece wanted, as a European country, to be present in, and have an impact on the process of European integration as well as the configuration of the European model.
- The European Community's reaction to the Greek application was initially expressed by the European Commission, which, according to article 237 (at the time) of the Treaty of Rome, had to state its "opinion" on the country's application for accession to the Community. The Commission published its "opinion" on January 28, 1976. Surprisingly, while it stressed that a "clearly positive response" should be given to Greece's request for accession it proposed the institutionalization of a pre-accession transition period before full institutional integration, in order that the necessary economic reforms would be implemented
Prime Minister Caramanlis appealed to
the governments of the nine member states - France and Germany in
particular - and the Commission's proposal was rejected. Accession
negotiations were initiated in July 1976 and brought to a conclusion in
May 1979, with the signing of the Accession Deed in Athens (Zappeion
Megaron). The Greek Parliament ratified the Accession Deed of Greece to
the European Community on June 28, 1979. The Accession Treaty entered
into force two years later, on January 1, 1981.
participation in the European Community / Union over the period
1981-2002 could be divided into three basic sub-periods: the first, from
1981 to 1985, the second, from 1985 to 1995, and the third, from 1996
to date.
The first period was characterized by Greece’s strong
doubts concerning certain aspects of the European integration. One of
the country’s main goals was the re-determination of its position within
the community by means of establishing a "special regime" of relations
and regulations. For this purpose, in March 1982 Greece submitted a
Memorandum requesting additional divergence from implementing certain
community policies as well as further economic support in order to
restructure the Greek economy. The European Commission acknowledged only
the second request as well-founded, which was actually met by means of
the Integrated Mediterranean Programs (IMPs) approved in 1985. The
significance of the IMPs was much greater than the additional funds that
were approved for Greece, for they introduced, on behalf of the
European Union, an effort towards structural policy development shaped
in 1988 with the new structural policy, by means of the first "Delors
During this period Greece was particularly reserved with
regard to the model of European integration, especially in areas such
as the role of institutions, politics and defense. During the second
period of participation, the policy Greece maintained with regard to the
EU was characterized by the gradual adoption of stronger
pro-integration positions. Particularly from 1988 onwards, Greece began
to support the "federal" integration model as well as the development of
joint policy in new areas (education, health, and environment), the
strengthening of supra-national institutions (Commission, Parliament)
and the development of a joint foreign and security policy by the
Union. On the other hand, however, inconsistencies remained in both the
sector of economy, with the country diverging from the average
"community" development level, and the political sector, with the issue
of the FYROM name, which was defused when the Interim Accord was signed.
as of 1987 Greece started to project as its main goal Cyprus' accession
to the European Community. For this purpose, Greece supported the
Nicosia Government in the latter's application for accession, submitted
in June 1990.
The third period of Greece's participation in the
Community / Union commenced in 1996 and was characterized by even
further support for the idea and process of European integration,
deepening integration in every sector, in line with the federal model.
Greece was among the Member States supporting the adoption of a European
Constitution. When this attempt failed, Greece welcomed the inclusion
of the major institutional innovations provided for in the Treaty
establishing a Constitution for Europe (TCE) in the Treaty of Lisbon ,
the compromise text which emerged from the project of
"constitutionalisation" of the European Union. It was also characterized
by an effort towards greater economic and social convergence with the
fulfillment of the "convergence criteria" set by the Maastricht Treaty
and Greece's participation as a full member in the Economic and
Monetary Union (EMU) as well as adoption of the single currency (euro)
on January 1, 2002. In addition to the EU deepening, Greece has been a
fervent supporter of the Union’s enlargement. She worked with dedication
to make possible the accession of the countries of Eastern Europe to
the Union, despite a general hesitation.
The fourth Hellenic EU
Presidency (first semester 2003) was a success for Greece and it was
during this Presidency that the EU witnessed the largest wave of
enlargement in its history (10 new member states).
The fifth
Hellenic Presidency (first semester 2014) was held in the midst of the
worst economic and social crisis in the recent history of the European
Union. However it was successful both in terms of quantity and quality.
Indeed, 71 pieces of legislation were adopted mainly in the fields of
major importance for the everyday life of the European citizens (growth,
jobs, further integration of EU and Eurozone, Migration and Maritime
Today, Greece still strongly supports EU deepening
and enlargement, and the next stop is the Western Balkans’ full
accession to the European Union