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Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs G. Katrougalos to attend the Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Brussels, 4-5 December 2018)

Thursday, 17 January 2019

lternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giorgos Katrougalos will be in Brussels on 4 and 5 December to attend the Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs.

During the first day of the Meeting, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs will discuss regional developments and NATO relations with Ukraine and Georgia. Subsequently, talks will follow on issues related to transatlantic relationship. At the working dinner, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs will focus on the security challenges in the South of the Alliance, with an emphasis on fighting terrorism, while NATO support to Libya will also be discussed.

On the following day, 5 December, developments in the Western Balkans will be discussed in the presence of the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the Commission, F. Mogherini.

On the margins of the Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers, the Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs will meet with NATO Secretary General, J. Stoltenberg, as well as with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Turkey.
