Програма за следдипломно обучение на английски език Southeast European Studies на Националния Атински университет/ Каподистриако
The Master’s Degree in Southeast European Studies will receive up to twenty-five (25) graduate students for the academic year 2015-2016. The Programme is primarily addressed to graduates with a first degree in the social sciences and humanities (politics, sociology, economics, social anthropology, political and social history, Balkan studies, journalism). Εligible to apply are graduates of Greek universities or foreign universities officially recognised by the Hellenic Republic. The Programme charges tuition fees of € 2,100 payable in three instalments. Students who are citizens of specified Southeast European countries (i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSC Resolution 1244) Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and who are not in receipt of a scholarship from any other source may apply for a fees waiver.
Applicants should submit their application (post-stamped by mail or in person) to the Programme Secretariat, until June 15, 2015.
For any additional clarification, please feel free to contact the Programme Administrator Dr. Anna Vallianatou (tel: (+30) 210 3688965-6, fax+30)2103688966, e-mail:
OUR WEBSITE www.see.pspa.uoa.gr
AND ON www.facebook.com/PostgraduateProgrammeInSoutheastEuropeanStudies
Call for Applicants
How to Apply