International Archaeology Day at the Royal Ontario Museum featuring the museum kits from the Cycladic Art Museum of Athens
Join us with your family on Sunday, October 21 from 11 am to 4 pm at the Royal Ontario Museum to celebrate International Archaeology Day by interacting with the museum kits, from the Cycladic Art Museum of Athens, which have recently been acquired by the Consulate General of Greece in Toronto, through the sponsorship of the Bodossaki Foundation.
Experienced members of the educational department of the Royal Ontario Museum have prepared special activities for the kids featuring the two museum kits. The first museum kit contains material about ancient Greek pottery art and it will “open up” for children and their parents in the ancient Greek Gallery of the Museum, which contains one of the oldest and most complete collections of classical ancient Greek artifacts in all of North America. Kids will also have the opportunity to partake in activities involving the second museum kit, which contains material about Cycladic culture, in the Bronze Age Gallery of the Museum, in the showrooms that contain statuary from the Cycladic era.
Background note: According to the Memorandum of Understanding that has been signed by the Consulate General of Greece in Toronto with the Royal Ontario Museum, the museum kits have been provided to the Museum for the month of October, for the purposes of studying them and utilizing them to create educational activities, and they will be used for events at the Museum. Starting in November, educators from all Toronto schools will be able to borrow the museum kits, free of charge, in order to engage in educational activities with their students.
Name of event: ROM FAMILLY FUNDAY – Digging History!
Date: October 21st 2018, 11 am – 4 pm
Location: Gallery of the Bronze Age Aegean & Gallery of Greece
Tickets are available at Royal Ontario Museum