Certificate “of life” for pensioners residing in Canada
If you are a permanent resident of Canada and you receive a pension from
a Greek institution you are periodically required to provide a
certificate proving you are alive so your pension does not get cut off.
Instructions by Institution
1. If you are receiving a pension from the institution formerly known
as IKA-ETAM you must contact the competent Greek Consular Authority in
Canada to book an appointment once a year between October and December
to submit the “declaration of the beneficiary of pension”.
1.A. In-person appointment
a) Download, print and fill out the “declaration of the beneficiary of pension from IKA-ETAM”. Do not sign it.
b) Contact the competent Consular Authority in Canada to book an appointment:
• Embassy of Greece in Ottawa
• Consulate General in Vancouver
• Consulate General in Montreal
• Consulate General in Toronto
On the day of your appointment you need to have the declaration with
all your personal information filled out, as well as a valid photo ID
(valid Canadian or Greek passport, or Greek police ID issued in the last
15 years). During your visit at the Consulate you will sign the
declaration, witnessed by a consular employee and you will pay 10 euro
in Canadian dollars according to the exchange rate of that month which
is indicated at the end of this webpage.
d) Once the declaration has been completed and stamped you will mail it to the following address:
ΕΦΚΑ - Γενική Διεύθυνση Οικονομικών Υπηρεσιών
Διεύθυνση Εκκαθάρισης & Πληρωμής Συντάξεων Ε.Ε. & ΔΣΚΑ
Τ.Κ. 10677, ΑΘΗΝΑ
1.B. Virtual appointment through the platform MyConsulLive
a) Download, print, fill out, sign the “declaration of the beneficiary
of pension from IKA-ETAM” and include your telephone number and then
send it through regular post to the competent Consular Authority in
• Embassy of Greece in Ottawa
• Consulate General in Vancouver
• Consulate General in Montreal
• Consulate General in Toronto
b) Allow a few days for the document to be delivered before booking
your appointment: MyConsulLive If you need assistance with the virtual
appointment booking, call the competent Consular Authority.
During your videoconference you will need to present a valid photo ID
(valid Canadian or Greek passport, or Greek police ID issued in the last
15 years). You will be witnessed by a consular employee and after that
they will guide you how to pay 10 euro in Canadian dollars according to
the exchange rate of that month which is indicated at the end of this
2. If you receive a pension from the institution formerly
known as OGA and the money is deposited either directly into a Canadian
bank account, or into a Greek bank account, you have to submit a
“declaration of a beneficiary living abroad”, every two years.
2.A. In-person appointment
a) Download, print and fill out the “declaration of beneficiary living abroad for OGA”. Do not sign it.
b) Contact the competent Greek Consular Authority in Canada to book an
appointment (see overhead the list of Consular Authorities under point
1.A. along with the relevant links)
c) On the day of your
appointment you need to have the declaration with all your personal
information filled out, as well as a valid photo ID (valid Canadian or
Greek passport, or Greek police ID issued in the last 15 years). During
your visit at the Consulate you will sign the declaration, witnessed by a
consular employee and you will pay 10 euro in Canadian dollars
according to the exchange rate of that month which is indicated at the
end of this webpage.
d) Once the declaration has been completed and stamped you will mail it to the following address:
ΕΦΚΑ - Τμήμα Εκκαθάρισης και Πληρωμής Συντάξεων ΕΕ & ΔΣΚΑ
Πατησίων 12
Τ.Κ. 10677 Αθήνα
You can also send it by email:
2.B. Virtual appointment through the platform MyConsulLive
a) Download, print, fill out and sign the “declaration of beneficiary
living abroad for OGA” and include your telephone number and then send
it through regular post to the competent Consular Authority in Canada:
• Embassy of Greece in Ottawa
• Consulate General in Vancouver
• Consulate General in Montreal
• Consulate General in Toronto
b) Allow a few days for the document to be delivered before booking
your appointment: MyConsulLive If you need assistance with the virtual
appointment booking, call the competent Consular Authority.
During your videoconference you will need to present a valid photo ID
(valid Canadian or Greek passport, or Greek police ID issued in the last
15 years). You will be witnessed by a consular employee and after that
they will guide you how to pay 10 euro in Canadian dollars according to
the exchange rate of that month which is indicated at the end of this
3. If you receive a pension from the institution
formerly known as PSHO (Public sector), you will have to submit a
special certificate once every six months, which is issued by the
competent Greek Consular Authority.
3.A. In-person appointment
a) Contact the competent Greek Consular Authority in Canada to book an
appointment (see overhead the list of Consular Authorities under point
1.A. along with the relevant links)
b) On the day of your
appointment you need to have a copy of the last certificate issued to you by the Consular authority or, if you are a new pensioner, a copy of the initial decision of the pension fund to grant the pension, as well as a valid photo ID (valid Canadian or
Greek passport, or Greek police ID issued in the last 15 years). During
your visit at the Consulate a consular employee will issue the new certificate and you will pay 10 euro in Canadian dollars
according to the exchange rate of that month which is indicated at the
end of this webpage.
3.B. Virtual appointment through the platform MyConsulLive
a) Make a copy of the last certificate issued to you by the Consular authority or, if you are a new pensioner, a copy of the initial decision of the pension fund to grant the pension, include your
telephone number and then send these through regular post to the competent
Consular Authority in Canada:
• Embassy of Greece in Ottawa
• Consulate General in Vancouver
• Consulate General in Montreal
• Consulate General in Toronto
b) Allow a few days for the document to be delivered before booking
your appointment: MyConsulLive If you need assistance with the virtual
appointment booking, call the competent Consular Authority.
c) During your videoconference you will need to present a valid photo ID (valid Canadian or Greek passport, or Greek police ID issued in the last 15 years). You will be witnessed by a consular employee and after that they will guide you how to pay 10 euro in Canadian dollars according to the exchange rate of that month which is indicated at the end of this webpage.