Registration of Death
The registration of death is conducted by the Greek Consular Services in Canada, in the province where the deceased passed away. To see the areas of jurisdiction for Greek Consular Services in Canada, click here.
Necessary Documents:
1. Documents from the competent Canadian Provincial Government Services, which need to prove that the death has been registered in Canada, and show the cause of death. These documents must be originals and do not need to be certified.
Required documents for each province:
ALBERTA: Death certificate and medical death certificate from the Government Services of Alberta
BRITISH COLUMBIA: Registration of Death and Medical Certificate from the Vital Statistics Agency
MANITOBA: Copy of registration of death from Manitoba Vital Statistics Agency
NEW BRUNSWICK: Death certificate – long form from Vital Statistics and medical death certificate.
NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR: Death certificate – long form and medical certificate of death from The Registry
NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: Death certificate from The Ministry of Health of Social Services
NOVA SCOTIA: Death certificate – long form from Vital Statistics and medical death certificate.
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Death certificate – long form from Vital Statistics and medical death certificate.
ONTARIO: Statement of death – Form 15 and Medical certificate of death – Form 16. Alternatively, a certified copy of death registration with cause of death information. These documents are issued by Service Ontario.
QUEBEC: Copy of an act of death from L' état civil and medical death certificate (SP-3).
SASKATCHEWAN: Death certificate from the service eHealth Saskatchewan
2. The most recent Canadian passport of the deceased
3. The most recent Greek passport and/or Greek Police ID of the deceased, if they exist.
1. Relatives of the deceased or another authorized person(s), such as a funeral home representative, must communicate through email with Competent Greek Consular Authorities in Canada to request an appointment to register a death.
2. On the day of your appointment you must provide the necessary documents and pay the applicable Consular fees.
Answers to Common Questions:
1. The registration of death is always transferred from the Competent Consular Authority to the Special Registry in Athens via diplomatic post, which is usually circulated every 2-4 weeks. However, the applicant can request a certified copy of the registration of death, in order to register the death themselves at the Special Registry in Athens. The applicant can also authorize a third party, as a representative, to take the relevant actions, however, in that case, the Special Registry in Athens requires a power of attorney, which can be written up by the Competent Consular Service.
2. In order for the Special Registry in Athens to proceed with the registration of death, the family status of the deceased will need to be updated in Greece regarding their marital status (i.e. married, single, divorced, widowed). In case the deceased appears as married in the Canadian registration of death, but in their family status in Greece they appear as single, their marriage will also have to be registered with the Competent Consular authority at the time of the death registration.