Alternate FM Xydakis’ remarks to the EU General Affairs Council (Amsterdam, 12 April 2016)
The Alternate Foreign Minister for European Affairs, Nikos Xydakis, participated in the informal meeting of the EU General Affairs Council (GAC) that took place in Amsterdam today.
The agenda for the meeting included the proposal for strengthening the GAC’s role in preparing and monitoring the decisions of the European Council, as well as the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2014-2020, following the relevant conference hosted by the Netherlands Presidency on 28 January, in Amsterdam.
“Our discussion today is taking place in a broader context, within which the fears European citizens are expressing regarding the future of the EU have taken on the proportions of a storm.
We have to respond to the challenges we are facing in the refugee/migration crisis, in the economic and monetary crisis with prolonged high unemployment, slowed growth and fast-growing poverty, as well as in the terrorist attacks we are facing.
Especially at such times, we need to focus on the speedy, unified and uniform implementation of the decisions taken at the highest levels, if we want our actions to have any real impact,” Mr. Xydakis noted, among other things.
Mr. Xydakis also briefed his colleagues on the recent incidents in Idomeni.