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Deputy FM Amanatidis’ response to Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem during the receipt of the Holy Light (Jerusalem, 30 April 2016)

Thursday, 05 May 2016

Your Beatitude,

It is with profound emotion, joy and honor that I receive from your hands the Holy Light, from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Once again, the faith of all Orthodox Christians is strengthened by His blessing and spiritual power.

It is a victory of hope and optimism, and our responsibility, to transform this into a creative force in the struggle we are all mounting for the rebirth of our homeland.

The Greek government has arranged to transport the Holy Light to Athens, and from there it will be received by all of the Holy Metropolises, so that it can bring the joyous message of the Resurrection to all.

To everyone, Christ is Risen! And many happy returns!
