Embassy of Greece in Beijing
Welcome to the Embassy of Greece in Beijing

In this section of our website, you can access information regarding the activities of the Embassy of Greece in China, the services we provide and our contact information.
You can also read about our bilateral relations and find detailed and up-to-date information about Greece.
- Call for tenders for the provision of gardening and interior plants services
- Announcement (Driver)
- Announcement (Facilities Assistant)
- Announcement
- Public Online Consultation on the Strategic Plan for Greeks Abroad 2024-2027
- Call for tenders for the provision of computers and monitors
- Call for tenders for the provision of cleaning services
- Postal Voting
- Call for tenders for the provision of gardening services
- Recruitment of 1 Assistant- Interpreter
- Recruitment of 1 Staff PA
- Greek Holiday, February 27th
- Call for tenders for the provision 15 air conditioning & heating units
- Observance of the Chinese official holiday on January 31st through February 2nd
- Application Form
- Schengen Visa Information Leaflet for Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR Residents
- Harmonized list of supporting documents to be presented by Schengen visa applicants in China, according to purpose of travel
- Consular legalisation of Chinese public documents
- Visa & Residence Permit guide for students
- Information Sheet to Visa Holders
- Passports
- New Visa Information System (VIS)
- Common Information Sheet
- Information request form about personal data processed in the National SCHENGEN Information System (N-SIS)
- Brief guide to residence permits for real estate owners in Greece
- National Service
- Power of Attorney
- National Visas
- Visa Fees Table
- Repatriation Certificate
- Vital Records
- ADS Memorandum of Understanding
- Marriages of Hong Kong Residents in Greece
- Owners of and Investors in Real Estate Properties
- Visa Code Guidelines-Annexes
- ADS Sanction Manual
- Procedure of issuance of Schengen visas for seafarers
- New consular fees
- Community Code on Visas in other languages
- Visa applicants’ rights in case of rejection due to registration in the Schengen Information System or the National Record of Undesirable Foreigners
- Taxes
- Customs
- Arrests, Preliminary Hearings, Detentions, Incarcerations of Greeks abroad
- Hospitalization
No.19 Guang Hua Lu, Chao Yang District
Beijing 100600
P.R. China
Beijing 100600
P.R. China
+86(0)10 85325493
+86(0)10 85326858