Sunday, 23 February 2025
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Home arrow About Greece arrow Tourism



Greece is renowned for its wonderful rugged landscape, its untouched gems, its endless coastlines, and its 6,000 islands and islets, famous all over the world, due to their unparalleled beauty.

The number of international tourist arrivals rose from 15,000,000 in 2010 to over 16,000,000 million in 2011, marking a 10% increase. This year 17,000,000 (almost  twice the country’s population) international tourist arrivals are expected.

Beyond sea and sun, tourism forms an essential part of Greece’s identity, present and future.

VisitGreece’s complete travel guide, featuring up-to date information on how to explore the country with all your senses. Discover nature, sites and delights. Indulge in daydreaming and find out how to make it reality.

The journey starts here!
