1st Trilateral Political Consultations between Secretaries General of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Cyprus and Lebanon, Athens, May 11, 2016. Joint Statement
Trilateral Political Consultations between Secretaries General of the
Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Cyprus and Lebanon, Athens, May
11, 2016
Following the meeting of the Foreign
Ministers of Cyprus, Lebanon and Greece in Brussels, on the 15th of
February 2016, the 1st Trilateral Political Consultations at the level
of the Secretary General of the respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs
were hosted in Athens on the 11th of May, 2016, by the Secretary
General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Ambassador
Dimitrios Paraskevopoulos, and attended by the Permanent Secretary,
Ambassador Alexandros N. Zenon, from Cyprus and the Alternate Secretary
General and Head of the Political Department, Ambassador Charbel Wehbi,
from Lebanon.
Secretary General, Ambassador Dimitrios
Paraskevopoulos and Permanent Secretary, Ambassador Alexandros N. Zenon,
briefed their Lebanese colleague on the Trilateral cooperation
initiatives that Greece and Cyprus have jointly undertaken with Egypt
and Jordan, respectively. Following this briefing, the Parties focused
on the prospects of a Trilateral cooperation between Cyprus, Greece and
Lebanon in a wide range of fields:
- Counter - terrorism Cooperation/Security. Exchange of information
- Refugee / Migration issues. Exchange of information
- Military Cooperation
- Lebanon – E.U. Relations /Southern Neighborhood/Union for the Mediterranean
- Energy
- Economic Cooperation
-Maritime Transport
- Cooperation on environmental issues (forest firefighting, water resources etc)
- Cooperation on cultural issues
They also discussed ways to strengthen
the coordination between the three parties and their cooperation in
multilateral fora and exchanged views on regional and international
issues, especially on developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, the
Middle East and the wider region. The discussions reflected the common
will of the three countries to establish solid and continuous
coordination and cooperation in all fields.
They stressed that
regional dialogue can serve the common goals of strengthening the
relationship between Europe and the Middle East, and further promote
solidarity and mutual understanding, emphasizing the stabilizing role of
the three countries in the region.
They also stressed the
importance and advantages of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation for the
countries of the region. In this respect, they examined ways to take
full advantage of the institutional framework of E.U.- Lebanon
relations, where applicable, including the tools and means provided by
the revised European Neighbourhood Policy.
In the same context,
and on the occasion of the 21st Anniversary of the Barcelona
Declaration, they welcomed an enhanced role that the Secretariat of the
Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) can play to this end, as reflected in
the Joint Communication of the European Commission on the Review of the
European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) of 18th November 2015.
Parties condemned all terrorist activities, expressed concern for the
proliferation of terrorism, not only on a regional but also on a global
level and underlined the necessity of regional and international
cooperation in confronting this threat. To this end, they underlined
the importance of exchange of information on a regular basis, among
countries of the region. They also stressed the need to address the root
causes of the region’s conflicts, in order to counter sectarianism,
extremism and radicalism, which create a fertile ground for terrorist
The Alternate Secretary General and Head of the
Political Department Ambassador Charbel Wehbi stressed the urgent need
of support to the unity, sovereignty and the territorial integrity of
Lebanon and agreed with the parties on the activation of international
support for the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) through additional and
expedited assistance in areas where it is most critically needed,
including counterterrorism and border protection.
The three
Parties expressed continuing concern about the negative impact of the
Syrian crisis on Lebanon’s stability, and the immediate threat to its
security in terms of the spread of terrorist organizations, as well as
the alarming consequences of the mass influx of Syrian displaced into
Regarding migration in the broader region of Eastern
Mediterranean, they stressed the need for a holistic approach in
identifying solutions to this complex and multifacetedissue, putting
emphasis on the critical importance of (a) effectively combating the
illegal networks of migrant smuggling, where the role and responsibility
of the countries of the region are determining, (b) the active
solidarity and cooperation of Europe in order that this challenge of
primarily humanitarian character and of unprecedented magnitude for the
region be adequately addressed. They also underlined the crucial role of
Greece with regard to the reception and accommodation of the refugees,
which was appreciated worldwide all the more for the humane way that the
refugees are being treated.
The urgent need for ending the
turmoil of violence that has engulfed many regions in the Middle East
was reiterated by the Parties. They stressed in particular the need for a
political solution in Syria, safeguarding the territorial integrity and
sovereignty of the country andestablishing credible inclusive
governance, providing for the security and the protection of the rights
of all its citizens, regardless of ethnicity or religious denomination.
Parties also stressed the continuing need for support by the
international community of the national reconciliation process in Iraq
and its national unity and integrity, calling upon all parties in the
region to fully respect its sovereignty.
The Parties highlighted that
safeguarding the security of Lebanon should be a core issue in EU’s
policy and the International Community’s approach concerning security in
the region.
They agreed on the need for the E.U. to exploremeans
to continue supporting Lebanonpolitically and economically in order to
increase its resilience with regard to the burdens and challenges
related to the high numbers of refugees it is hosting on its territory.
Lebanon has been affected by a grave humanitarian situation with the
presence of over 1.7 million Syrian refugees. To this end, they stressed
the importance of reaching an agreement on the EU-Lebanon Partnership
Priorities for the period 2016-2020 within the framework of the ENP
Review, and of the respective Compact Agreement, which will usher in a
new page in EU-Lebanon relations.
Following a briefing by
Permanent Secretary, Ambassador Zenon, on the negotiating process under
the United Nations auspices, aiming at a lasting and comprehensive
settlement of the Cyprus problem, in accordance with International Law,
including the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, and with the
High Level Agreements, and safeguarding the principles upon which the
European Union is founded, the Parties reiterated their support to this
The Parties, aware of the wealth of the Eastern
Mediterranean in hydrocarbons, which can be a catalyst for regional
peace, stability and cooperation, recognized the need to promote energy
dialogue and collaboration among the three countries based on
international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, for the
common good. They stressed the need to respect the sovereignty of states
over their territorial sea and their sovereign rights, inter alia, the
right to enter into bilateral agreements and to explore and exploit
natural resources in their Exclusive Economic Zones, in accordance with
the EU acquis and international law, including the UN Convention on the
Law of the Sea.
They underlined their willingness to join
efforts for the protection of antiquities and for the preservation and
development of historical and archaeological sites, with the view to
safeguard the historical memory of their peoples and the common heritage
of mankind, as well as their readiness to cooperate, inter alia, for
the protection of underwater cultural heritage.
The Parties
agreed to further promote Trilateral consultations and to expand their
dialogue at all levels with the aim of promoting common interests and
contributing to regional peace, stability, security and prosperity.
is expected that the next Trilateral meeting will take place at the
level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, at a time and place to be decided
through diplomatic channels.
Trilateral meetings at the level of Secretary General will also take place annually, as well as when necessary.