Announcement regarding a claim made by Arabic-language Al Jazeera TV

Arabic-language Al Jazeera TV yesterday made the “eye-witness” claim that a vessel sailing under the Greek flag unloaded weapons at the Port of Tripoli on Friday, 11 March.

Those responsible at the channel failed to contact the Greek Foreign Ministry or any other authority to crosscheck the reliability of this claim.

A  relevant inquiry carried out by the competent Greek authorities elicited no information confirming this claim.

Greece welcomed the adoption by the UN Security Council of Resolution 1970 and is implementing it thoroughly, given that it is the principle tool for exerting pressure on the Qaddafi regime to stop the bloodshed.

At a critical time for stability and peace in the region of the Middle East and North Africa, it is everyone’s obligation – and particularly that of the news media – to show responsibility and respect deontological ethics when practicing their profession. The attempt to defame Greece is unacceptable.

March 15, 2011