Centre for Foreign Policy Planning (KESEP)

The Centre for Foreign Policy Planning is an evolution of the Center for Analysis and Planning (KAS), which dates back to 1998.

Its main mission and competences include:
i.    Carrying out independent research and policy analyses.
ii.    Providing scientific support to the Minister concerning the preparation of the Ministry’s strategy.
iii.    Fostering cooperation with academic institutions and think-tanks in Greece and abroad.
iv.    Drafting papers and articles for foreign policy journals.
v.    Drafting periodic reports that contain analyses and policy proposals on issues that fall within the Ministry’s competence. More specifically, it issues the International Policy Review which selects an -as far as possible- representative sample of published texts from internationally recognized think tanks, academic and other institutions on current issues.

In this respect, KESEP cooperates with governmental agencies and civil society organizations in order to undertake common actions and initiatives. A memorandum on foresight has been signed with the Special Secretariat of Foresight Strategy of the Presidency of the Government, aiming at the identification of future challenges, risks or opportunities for our country.

KESEP is directed and staffed by permanent staff of the MFA. Its work is supported by nine (9) scientific fixed-time associates – University Professors, doctoral or postgraduate students on voluntary service/ unremunerated training, visiting researchers/scholars, working groups composed of KESEP members and external partners.

Since March 2023, the Center for Foreign policy Planning has launched the Speakers Corner initiative, which aims to contribute towards a nuanced understanding of complex issues and to provide space for exchanges of hard truths on current affairs among staff.

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