Deputy Minster of Foreign Affairs, Terens Quick, meets with the BoD of the Greek Community of Rome (16 March 2018)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Terens Quick, met with the BoD of the Greek Community of Rome, on the margins of his visit to the Italian capital, where he participated in the Conference in support of Lebanese Armed Forces and Security Forces, which was convened within the framework of the International Support Group for Lebanon, and the Extraordinary Ministerial Conference of UNRWA (United National Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) Donors. The meeting took place at the offices of the Greek Embassy, with Ambassador Tasia Athanasiou in attendance.

During Mr. Quick’s two-hour meeting with the Community’s BoD (Marinella Linardou, Chairperson; Viki Markaki, Treasurer; Dimitris Passos, Member), there was a discussion of operational issues that need to be remedied if the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad is to be useful in supporting the Community’s actions. Also discussed were issues of Education, Culture and Greek language, based on the necessity for creating a better operational and management environment for the School and teaching programmes.

On the Deputy Minister’s initiative, a teleconference was held with Education Minister Kostas Gavroglou, mainly to clarify the operational framework for educational excursions of the Greek schools in Italy, which the Greek Community saw as fully positive. “Education and Greek language issues are priorities for our Greek Community in Rome. Their orientation is praiseworthy,” Mr. Quick commented.

March 19, 2018

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