Welcome speech of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ioannis Amanatidis at the 1st International Conference on: “UNESCO Global Geoparks in Greece and Cyprus: Promotion and Management of Geological Heritage, Education, Tourism and Sustainable Development”

“Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure to welcome the 1st International Conference on Geoparks in Greece and Cyprus, which is being held in Athens by the Greek and Cypriot UNESCO National Commissions, and hosted at the Foreign Ministry’s amphitheatre.

The “UNESCO Global Geoparks” programme is the third most important UNESCO programme, after World Heritage Sites and Biosphere Reserves.

I remind you that the programme in question was approved by the 38th UNESCO General Conference, in 2015, and today includes 140 sites in 38 countries.

The purpose of the programme is to recognize locales with geological, ecological and cultural heritage of international importance as “UNESCO Global Geoparks”, with the ultimate goal of protecting, promoting and disseminating the principles of sustainability on a global level.

The Global Geoparks are a global natural heritage that can be used for research, education and raising awareness regarding preservation of the natural environment and natural resources, confronting climate change and natural threats, and achievement of the goals of the global agenda for sustainable development, which is the prism through which UNESCO approaches Education, the Sciences and Culture.

The Greek government supported the creation of the UNESCO Global Geoparks programme and supports the programme’s development, as our country has five areas characterized as UNESCO Global Geoparks.

These are:

1. Lesvos
2. The Psiloriti area
3. The Vikos–Aoös National Park area
4. The Chelmos-Vouraikos National Park area
5. The Sitia area

And the Troodos area, in the Republic of Cyprus, has also been recognised as a UNESCO Global Geopark.

This year, Greece has submitted the Kozani-Grevena area as a candidate, and in the coming months it is expected to be evaluated and recognised as a UNESCO Global Geopark.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The recognition of areas as UNESCO Global Geoparks can contribute towards promoting Greece’s natural and cultural heritage, bolstering agri-food, promoting these regions as destinations for alternative tourism for domestic and foreign tourists, strengthening entrepreneurship and innovation, promoting volunteerism, and bolstering local communities through the creation of new jobs and growth.

At the same time, the quadrennial re-evaluations by UNESCO spur local communities and the organizations managing the Geoparks to innovate and evolve, thus ensuring that the area remains in the programme. Ongoing inspection of proper management and maintenance of high standards of operation and services for the public ensures the active participation of Geoparks as tools for sustainable local development.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Through the potential provided by networking, synergies and exchange of best practices, the Global Geoparks can help to revitalize rural areas and create new jobs and sustainable development by using local resources.

In closing, I would like to underscore that the promotion of regions that have international recognition from UNESCO can also function as an international stamp of quality for these regions and contribute decisively to the promotion of sustainable tourism development.

May 17, 2018

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