Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis’ speech during the parliamentary plenary debate on ratification of the Agreements of the EU and its member states with Ghana, Singapore, Vietnam and SADC EPA states (3 February 2021)

M. VARVITSIOTIS: We are opening a large window to 230 million people and a market of €130 billion

“The development of multilateral relations, including through the EU, essentially strengthens Greece’s role,” stressed Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis during the parliamentary plenary debate of the Foreign Ministry’s draft law on ratification of the Agreements of the EU and its member states with Ghana, Singapore, Vietnam, and SADC EPA states, which was passed by a wide majority. At Mr. Varvitsiotis’ personal invitation, Vietnamese Ambassador Nguen Manh and South African charge d’affaires Seetat Ahmed attended the Plenary debate.

The Alternate Minister called the Agreements a great opportunity, as they open a window to 230 million people and provide access to exports and investments in rapidly developing countries with which the EU does a total of about €130 billion in bilateral trade. He clarified that Greek products with designation of origin are fully protected, adding that “we must support Greek production, especially in sectors of added technological value.” Moreover, through these Agreements, the European Union can use its sway to conclude agreements on return of migrants, ending the limbo that currently exists for all those who are not eligible for asylum but cannot be returned to their countries of origin.

Responding to comments from MPs, the Alternate Minister highlighted the multifaceted foreign policy being exercised by the Mitsotakis government, with the Prime Minister himself having carried out the most bilateral visits of any European leader, even in the difficult time of the pandemic.

On the Cyprus issue, he noted that the Greek government – on all levels and in all negotiations – is guided by the UN resolutions, which set the framework for these negotiations. “Anything beyond this framework that might be seen as creating new accomplished facts on the island of Cyprus cannot be supported by Greece under any circumstances,” he added.

Regarding the joint article by six European leaders that was published in TA NEA, Mr. Varvitsiotis stressed that it is an “important contribution” to the Dialogue on the Future of Europe. He noted that, in spite of the fact that the response to the public health crisis falls outside the responsibilities of the EU, Europe succeeded, with the support of its member states, in responding and coordinating policies for managing the pandemic. He added that there is now an urgent need to discuss Europe’s role and the coordination needed to face the major public health, environmental and migration challenges, which the Recovery Fund goes a long way towards meeting.

Mr. Varvitsiotis also praised the decision of shipowner Iakovos Tsounis to leave his fortune to the Greek Armed Forces. Knowing him personally, he characterized him as a dedicated patriot and firm supporter of the Armed Forces throughout his life, noting that the Armed Forces should pay him the highest honours in recognition of longstanding and current contributions.

In closing, the Alternate Minister condemned last night’s attack on the home of New Democracy MP Konstantinos Bogdanos, asking all of the Greek political parties to take a stance on the incident. Having mentioned a previous arson attack on his own office, he emphasized the need for universal condemnation of acts of terrorism that are aimed at silencing members of the Hellenic Parliament, endangering people’s lives. “We must condemn them politically. The perpetrators must be found and brought to Justice immediately, because we must punish actions that violate the Greek people’s sovereignty and their right to democratic expression,” he concluded.

February 3, 2021