Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giorgos Kotsiras’ visit to Canada (22-26.03.2024)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giorgos Kotsiras’ visit to Canada (22-26.03.2024)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giorgos Kotsiras, highlighted the dynamism of the Greek Diaspora in Canada and reaffirmed the Greek State’s commitment to strengthen its ties with the Diaspora Greeks.

"The enthusiastic reception of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis by the Greeks of Canada, their passion, and selfless love for Greece, their commitment to preserving our cultural heritage, their pivotal role in developing Greek-Canadian relations and promoting our country's image abroad, all bolster our confidence and reinforce our resolve to bring Diaspora Greeks even closer to the metropolitan center," Mr. Kotsiras stated emphatically.

Participating in Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ official visit to Canada and the Diaspora’s festivities commemorating the 25th of March, the Deputy Minister had a series of contacts with representatives from Diaspora associations as well as ecclesiastical and academic institutions.

In particular, within the framework of the festivities for the March 25th anniversary, Mr. Kotsiras laid a wreath at the War Cenotaph of the Laval Municipality and delivered an address at an honorary dinner hosted by the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal. In his address, the Deputy Minister characterized the relationship of the Greek State with the Diaspora Greeks as "structural" and "existential." "We all owe it, from whatever position we serve the national interest, to ensure that we keep this relationship alive," he emphasized, referring in particular, to three initiatives that reflect the Government's practical interest in the Diaspora: firstly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Strategic Plan for Greeks Abroad- "a unified, cohesive policy for the Diaspora," secondly, the upgrading of consular services with the use of digital technology, and thirdly, the lifting of voting restrictions for the Diaspora and postal voting, a "huge step of democracy and equality," as he stated. Mr. Kotsiras praised the contribution of the Greeks of Canada in defending and disseminating our national positions and the positive trajectory of Greece in recent years. "Greece is progressing, entering a new era with greater confidence, and you all have contributed to this effort," he pointedly said.

The Deputy Minister attended the official Doxology at the Holy Church of the Annunciation of the Theotokos and the large parade of the Diaspora in Montreal, along with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Furthermore, he joined the expanded talks between the Prime Minister and his Canadian counterpart and attended the Prime Minister's speeches at the Diaspora events in Montreal and Toronto.

During his stay in Canada, the Deputy Minister met with the President of the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal, George Tsoukas; the President of the Hellenic Community of Toronto, Betty Skoutaki; the President of the Hellenic Congress of Quebec, Sotirios Antypas; and the President of the Canadian-Hellenic Congress, Dr.Theodore Halatsis. Mr. Kotsiras highlighted the significant contribution of the Diaspora associations to the promotion of the Greek element in Canada as well as his own pursuit to enhance communication and cooperation with them.

Furthermore, the Deputy Minister visited the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada, where he was received by His Eminence Archbishop Sotirios of Canada. During the meeting, Mr. Kotsiras praised the multi-faceted social and educational work of the Archdiocese and its pivotal role in uniting Hellenism.

While in Montreal, Mr. Kotsiras visited the “Socrates-Demosthenes” day school of the Community, and in Toronto, the “Metamorphosis” Greek Orthodox Day School of the Archdiocese, emphasizing the support of the Greek State for Greek language education and the possibilities of utilizing modern digital tools, such as the online learning platform for the Greek language,

Lastly, the Deputy Minister had meetings with Professor Anastasios Anastasiadis, holder of the "Phrixos B. Papachristidis" Chair in Modern Greek Studies at McGill University in Montreal, Professor Sakis Gekas, holder of the Chair in Modern Greek History of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation at York University in Toronto, and the President of the Quebec Hellenic Scholarship Foundation, Yiannis Chatzinikolaou. Mr. Kotsiras expressed the support of the Greek State for the study of the Greek Diaspora, the promotion of Greek Studies, and the networking of academic institutions, emphasizing the significance of rewarding the excellence of young Diaspora members who represent a new generation of worthy ambassadors of Greece internationally.

March 26, 2024

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