Deputy Foreign Minister Kyriakos Gerontopoulos sent the following message to Greeks abroad on the occasion of the Christmas and New Year 2014 holidays:
“My dear compatriots, in a few days we leave 2013 behind us. It was a year that pointed up all the timeless characteristics of Greek Society: cohesion, endurance, persistence and solidarity.
It was once again proven beyond any doubt that Greek women and men remain united, active and creative, even under the most difficult of circumstances. At the same time, in the context of the pan-national rallying of the creative forces of Hellenism, the foundations were laid for exiting the crisis, for recovery, and for growth.
Global Hellenism – which always has Greece in its heart, concerned at what is happening in the homeland – stood by us actively and effectively in this effort, supporting charitable organizations and foundations, and developing intensive activity in local communities in order to strengthen Greece’s image.
Through its selfless contribution, dynamism and creativity, it inspired optimism in us, setting a shining example of unity with us in the midst of our struggle.
For these Holy Days – Days of Hope and Rebirth – I wish everyone Many Happy Returns, Merry Christmas, and, for the New Year, personal and family health, happiness and prosperity.”
Mr. Gerontopoulos heard carols on Monday afternoon, at his office, from the Pan-Thracian Federation of Southern Greece and members of the Scouts of Greece.
December 24, 2013