“The agreement on the Directive on the posting of workers is a milestone for the institutional cooperation between the European Parliament and the Council, and for the social dimension of the EU. On 27 February, after twelve very intensive trilogues, we were able to reach a provisional agreement on the posting of workers Directive. This agreement was subsequently confirmed by COREPER on 5 March and by Parliament's Employment and Social Affairs Committee on 18 March.
The text now caters for the concerns of the Parliament regarding undeclared work and bogus self-employment. It strengthens workers’ right and ability to report employers who are in violation.
This directive is important to around one million workers who each year are posted by their employer from their country of original employment to perform temporary work in another country. The work carried out by these people is essential to the provision of cross-border services in a number of sectors. It is particularly important for those service activities requiring a specialized and highly skilled workforce.
At the same time, labour mobility and economic freedom should not be used to bring about a "race to the bottom" with respect to working conditions. This means that we had to strike the right balance between protecting workers' rights and facilitating the exercise of economic freedom, including cross-border activities.
It represents a major achievement in the strengthening of social Europe. I am convinced that the implementation of these provisions will contribute to the facilitation of the free provision of services, as well as to safeguarding the rights that these workers are entitled to and should expect to be upheld.
It puts into implementation a platform of strengthened cooperation between the national authorities for facilitation of inspections, ensuring greater transparency with regard to the rights and obligations associated with these postings. And as on new element, this Directive improves the cross-border imposition of fines and penalties.
The adoption of this Directive shows that the European Union is resolved to strengthen the social dimension.”
April 15, 2014