Deputy FM Kouvelis’ statements at the 36th Cyprus International Fair (Highlights)

Highlights of Deputy Foreign Minister Spyros Kouvelis’ statements at the 36th Cyprus International Fair:

  • “Internationalization of the Greek economy is very important to Greece, as evidenced by its presence here at the opening of the 36th Cyprus International Fair, with presentations from the Greek peripheries. Also important is the overall effort we are making to enter global markets and promote Greek products.”
  • “Today is an opportunity for us to show all the visitors to the Fair the quality products exported from the various regions of Greece and to point up the fact that Greece is making a major shift towards quality, certified products, recognition of Mediterranean diet products that Greece produces – a shift towards green development. We are promoting Greek tourism and our shift towards modern technology. These are efforts that essentially serve as the vehicle for carrying our country out of the crisis.”
  • “We are optimistic. We have important indications. And the most important is an increase of over 10% in Greek exports, on average, throughout the world.”
  • “In close cooperation with the Foreign Ministry, the Regional Development Ministry, via the Organization for the Promotion of Exports, we are embarking on the next steps in representing Greece throughout the world and pointing up our country’s potential for providing quality products and services, and being perhaps the most attractive country in the world for tourist flows that we are expecting to increase this year.”

May 9, 2011