“The 25th of March, 1821, marked a new beginning in Hellenism’s historical course. It was a natural outcome of our nation’s strong will to regain its freedom and independence. Despite its coming at a point in history that the whole world saw as inconvenient, it succeeded because no one had realised that beyond the geopolitical pursuits of the “powers” – the state of affairs, the balance of power, the holy and unholy alliances – our Nation has an indomitable national virtue, historical memory, abundant spirit and internal strength forged through thousands of years of struggles and sacrifices.
The message of the achievement of 1821 remains timeless and timely. It teaches us the importance of the unity of Greeks in common struggles, common values, common goals and difficult times.
Today, we are once more being called upon to join forces, to coordinate our efforts, and to overcome the crisis so that we can leave the coming generations the future they deserve.
Decisive in this effort – just as it was then – is the substantial contribution of the activities and creative forces of global Hellenism, which has proved that it maintains and strengthens the sense of national unity and always provides decisive and substantial support for every national endeavor.
The values and ideals of those who fought in 1821 continue to inspire us all, however far away we are from the homeland. Through national unity, Hellenism will also win this new battle that is so critical to the future of our Nation.”
March 25, 2013