Document of the Day

12 June 1975
The applications of Greece for membership of the three European Communities (Service of Diplomatic and Historical Archives, Archives of the Embassy in Rome 1975, File 5.1)

19 May/1st June 1917
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Greek Provisional Gorvernment N. Politis (Thessaloniki) to the Ambassador of the Greek Provisional Government of Thessaloniki in London I. Gennadius: Testimony of a French Lieutenant on the bravery of the Greek troops (Service of Diplomatic and Historical Archives, Archives of the Embassy in London 1917, File 1.3)

May 28th 1979
On May 28th 1979 the Treaty of Accession of Greece to the European Communities was signed at the Zappeion Megaron in Athens. The European Communities Directorate of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially informs the Greek diplomatic and consular authorities abroad on the signing of the Treaty (Service of Diplomatic and Historical Archives, Archives […]

16/28 April 1842
The first Consul of Greece in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) is appointed. It is Ηenri Riedy, a French (Royal Decree 16 April 1842, Government Gazette 1/1843). It is the first appointment of a consular or diplomatic representative of Greece in a Latin America state (Service of Diplomatic and Historical Archives, Central Service Archives 1842, File […]

24 April 1967
Three days after the coup d'état in Athens, the Greek Embassy in Paris informs the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the first demostration against the Junta that was held in front of the building of the Embassy (Service of Diplomatic and Historical Archives, Central Service Archives 1967, File 34.8)

17 and 19 Αpril 1912
Copy of the letter of condolences dispatched by the Greek Ambassador in London I. Gennadios to the British government on the sinking of the Titanic, and the reply of the Foreign Office (Service of Diplomatic and Historical Archives, Central Service Archives 1912, File 56.6, p.4)

11/23 April 1912
The Greek Ambassador in London I.Gennadios informs the Minister of Foreign Affairs that he expressed his condolences on behalf of the Greek government to the British government on the sinking of the Titanic (Service of Diplomatic and Historical Archives, Central Service Archives 1912, File 56.6, p.3)

3/15 April 1827
Letter by Ioannis Kapodistrias from London to the (Greek) Vice-Government Committee, during his visit there before assuming his duties as Governor of Greece (Service of Diplomatic and Historical Archives, Central Service Archives 1827, File 10.1/Συνθήκη 6ης Ιουλίου, p.21)

18 March 1957
The Greek Embassy in Bonn announces that the last details have been agreed upon and that the Treaties founding the EEC and the EURATOM will be signed in Rome on March 25th, 1957 (Service of Diplomatic and Historical Archives, Central Service Archives 1957, File 68.2)