Iraklis Moskof, Expert Counsellor on issues concerning the combatting of human trafficking, was appointed, by decision 25/11/2013 of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos, to the position of National Rapporteur, head of the Office for the Combatting of Human Trafficking.
The decision institutionalizes the National Coordinating Mechanism and ensures systematic cooperation with the EU Office of Coordination and Action for confronting human trafficking.
With the creation of the Office – which is being carried out in implementation of a community Directive and in line with the provisions of a relevant Council of Europe convention – the Greek state will participate even more actively in the global fight against modern slavery, assisting agencies that promote zero tolerance for the exploitation and trafficking of persons.
One of the basic responsibilities of the Office is the integration of the National Reporting Mechanism for the identification of victims, the creation of a National Data Base, the training of agencies, and the deepening of cooperation will all those active in raising public awareness of human trafficking issues.
The founding and operation of the Office will not incur any expenditure, because the Office will be staffed exclusively by Foreign Ministry personnel. In fact, the operation of the office creates the conditions for better absorption of European funding and the realization of relevant NSRF programmes.
December 2, 2013