Foreign Minister Droutsas’ statement regarding the arrest of Ratko Mladic

Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas made the following statement regarding the announcement of the arrest of the fugitive Ratko Mladic:

“The announcement of the arrest by the Serbian authorities of Ratko Mladic, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, is news that is very satisfying to all those believe in and support the need for the wounds of history to heal, for justice to be done, and for the peoples of the region to reconcile.

All that remains is for the extradition of Ratko Mladic to the ICTY to be carried out, so that Serbia and the Serbian people can strive – unencumbered by the past – to achieve their major new goal: Serbia’s accession to the EU.

Greece welcomes this development and congratulates the Serbian government on its determination and persistence.”

May 26, 2011