Your Very Reverend Abbot, and my Venerable father Alexis,
I feel the need to express to You my warmest thanks and profound gratitude for the warm welcome I and my entourage received from you today.
My warm thanks to Your Venerable Brotherhood.
The noble hospitality of Your monastery and You personally is well known.
I would like to convey the respect and love of the Prime Minister, with whom you are personally acquainted and who has a special appreciation of Your work here on Mount Athos and beyond.
You are well aware of the struggles and efforts we are making in the difficult days our country is going through, and we think of You as our supporter.
The historical course of the monastic Community of Athos shows incontrovertibly the assistance, participation, solidarity, work and, in particular, the willingness of its residents to make whatever sacrifice necessary in the difficult circumstances our country has gone through from time to time.
I am grateful for this, as I am for the fact that the Greek space includes wonderful Athos, with its vital and vast cultural heritage, which continues to grow thanks to the presence and work of its residents.
The current government, the President and I myself, as the minister responsible for Mount Athos affairs, are aware of this and we appreciate and value it.
Father Alexis,
We recognize, accept and take to heart Your problems and needs.
We stand by You, as You do us.
We will do whatever we can. Always at your side.
I thank You and ask for Your blessing.
June 3, 2011