Foreign Minister Droutsas’s statement regarding an announcement from the New Democracy foreign affairs shadow minister on a disciplinary procedure

Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas made the following statement regarding an announcement from New Democracy foreign affairs shadow minister Panagiotopoulos on a disciplinary procedure:

“The only person compromised by such announcements is Mr. Panagiotopoulos himself.

His striving through such announcements to satisfy the extremist voices in his party does not justify interference in an independent Foreign Ministry disciplinary procedure that is in progress.

Unless Mr. Panagiotopoulos and the New Democracy party question the validity and objectivity of this official procedure, or they just think that state functionaries should not undergo any vetting or answer to anyone.

Mr. Panagiotopoulos should realise, at long last, that he represents the main opposition party in an area of responsibility that is of the utmost importance for the country, and start conduct himself correspondingly.”

May 24, 2011