Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias participated today, Tuesday, 23 June 2015, in a meeting of the EU General Affairs Council, in Luxembourg, during which there was a discussion of the migration issue, which will be the main subject of the upcoming European Council.
In his remarks, Mr. Kotzias – having described the difficulties Greece is facing due to the unprecedented flow of refugees and migrants, at a time of deep economic crisis – highlighted first and foremost the dire need to deal with migrant’s healthcare requirements, as well as three further key points that need to be taken into consideration in the recommendations from the Commission and the Council for dealing with the problem:
First, that all the tools at the European Union’s disposal be used, and mainly the readmission processes and agreements with the countries to the southeast of Greece, from Turkey to Pakistan.
Second, that there be express reference to the obligatory nature of internal relocation and resettlement, to avoid lack of clarity.
Finally, that there needs to be a reference to reception facilities and first reception facilities that will operate in accordance with the planning, needs and particularities of the state hosting these refugees, and not on the model of structured border zones.
June 23, 2015