Greece’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Kotzias, made the following statement following today’s meeting, in Brussels, of the EU Foreign Affairs Council:
“Today we had a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council, in Brussels, We talked about three issues: developments in the Middle East and the need for the European Union to pursue peace in the region and promote the two-state solution, as well as the need to mediate as an honest, as we say, mediator between the Palestinians and Israel.
We talked about Syria, regarding which we were briefed on the Vienna I and Vienna II talks. Though we cannot say with certainty that the process has been completed, there are certain indications that there will be peace in Syria, at least between the conflicting sides that are not among the terrorists. We talked afterwards, for many hours, about the refugee issue and the need for there to be a common European foreign policy that ensures the implementation of international laws and the implementation of European values and the European acquis.
We also talked about the assistance that must be given to states that are playing an important role in this issue, like Lebanon and Jordan, as well as the role of Turkey, which, as you know, a Greek government delegation, headed by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras – and in which I will be participating, too – will be visiting tomorrow and the day after.”
November 16, 2015