N. KOTZIAS: Today, here in Malta, we began the informal meeting of Foreign Ministers with an extremely interesting discussion of the relations between Turkey and the European Union. We concluded that we do not want to break off this relationship. We will have to find ways to keep it going, but Turkey, too, will have to respect international law, international conventions and good neighbourly relations, as well as human rights and democratic processes. I think the message Turkey gets will be clear and within the framework of European principles and values.
JOURNALIST: Did you discuss the unstable situation in Skopje?
N. KOTZIAS: There hasn't been a discussion of Skopje so far. Only Ms. Mogherini remarked on the seriousness of the issue, and I made a comment, noting that what I told them two and a half years ago is being borne out; that is, that there needs to be a culture of understanding and compromise in order for the country's domestic problems to be resolved. I also said that this quality is lacking in the case of Turkey, as well, and because many people are discussing the domestic affairs in our neighbouring country, and developments following the referendum, I reminded them that Turkey has a specific foreign policy, regarding which they must show solidarity with us.
April 28, 2017