N. KOTZIAS: Today we had a meeting of 11 EU member states to discuss the future of the European Union and the Brexit.
There were certainly differing views. What we stressed, for our part, is the need to foster the unity of the European Union and, first and foremost, its social and democratic nature. At the same time, we highlighted the need for us to hold a democratic discussion in a manner that helps and safeguards the interests of our citizens, rather than turning our backs on them.
We also stressed our position that the nation state continues to play an important role in international politics. At the same time, we need to help towards integrations, further unification of the European Union in sectors such as the upgrading of the social state.
JOURNALIST: Mr. Minister, does this fragmentation that appears to exist in the reactions of the EU help?
N. KOTZIAS: I think this crisis is the first of its kind for the European Union, and we need to be very serious, sober and composed in facing it. We need to respect the democratic decision of the British citizens and, at the same time, not have all of Britain and its citizens be alienated from the European Union.
JOURNALIST: What is the joint message that came out of this meeting, Mr. Minister?
N. KOTZIAS: That we need to strengthen the dialogue among us and sincerely seek productive and creative solutions.
June 27, 2016