N. KOTZIAS: Good morning. All the cards aren't on the table yet, but that's how negotiations are. We are trying to open up the discussion and for everyone to show their true intentions, and for these intentions to be as good as possible.
JOURNALIST: Are we expecting that to happen tomorrow, when Mr. Guterres is set to arrive?
N. KOTZIAS: I expect that, tomorrow, each party will make a clearer show of their intentions. But we have to win the day today, as well.
JOURNALIST: Some specifics of the proposal Mr. Cavusoglu described yesterday have leaked. Weren't you surprised by the proposal? Do you think it was to be expected?
N. KOTZIAS: As I said, it revolves around what they did in the Annan Plan process. If we hadn't studied everything that happened then, we would be unprepared.
June 29, 2017