“We need to change Greece’s image in Europe. We need to send the message of a positive Greece. We need to break the vicious cycle of negativity.
We have achieved a lot as a country in the past year, through great sacrifices made by the Greek people. This needs to be acknowledged and respected. The false impression that Greece is not trying, that Greece is not changing, has the potential to poison the climate, and we have to change this impression.
Greece will return to dynamic growth. The sacrifices haven’t ended yet, and our collocutors are aware of this. This is where we need more solidarity and everyone to realise that we will all come out of this stronger in Europe, and we will all be more unified if we come together rather than pointing accusing fingers at one another.
It is my hope and conviction that today’s meetings will start to change this climate. If we succeed, then you can be certain that Greece, Germany and Europe will emerge from this crisis faster and much, much stronger.”
July 6, 2011