Foreign Minister Lambrinidis’ statement on NET TV

Foreign Minister Stavros Lambrinidis – in Montenegro to represent Greece at the SEECP Summit Meeting – made the following statement on NET TV:

“Greece and Europe will emerge much stronger and more united from the current economic and political crises we are going through. I had the opportunity to convey to the Presidents, Prime Ministers and my counterparts from the Balkans Greece’s firm support and its willingness to continue to play a leading role in the efforts of the Western Balkans to join the European Union, but above all to serve as an example to a Europe that at least right now – during this crisis – is tending to close in on itself, with voices in favour of nationalistic entrenchment. To serve as an example of open dialogue and open cooperation.

I also told my colleagues that we have a unique opportunity to make history, rather than rewrite it. And this message in particular was accepted quite, if not very, positively by everyone there. Thank you.”

June 30, 2011