Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias' doorstep statement at the 2nd Rhodes Conference for Security and Stability (Rhodes, 22 May 2017)

Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias' doorstep statement at the 2nd Rhodes Conference for Security and Stability (Rhodes, 22 May 2017)N. KOTZIAS: Representatives from nine Arab countries have come, plus representatives of the Arab League, for a total of ten. And seven European countries have come. We also have a delegation on the ambassadorial level from Indonesia, which we have granted observer status.

We are 18 delegations in all. Last year we were 11. So, increase in number and multiply. I have a very serious proposal to put to them. That we create a structure in the Eastern Mediterranean, along the lines of the CSCE, as well as a number of collaborations, which I imagine you will hear about now, as we start the Conference.

I thank you very much for being here.

JOURNALIST: Mr. Minister, a statement on Mr. Cavusoglu?

N. KOTZIAS: We are at a Conference for the Eastern Mediterranean, and Turkey isn't here. Thank you very much.

May 22, 2017