Foreign Ministry spokesman’s reply to a question on a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokesman concerning a case before the Greek Judiciary

Foreign Ministry spokesman Gregory Delavekouras issued the following response to a question on a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokesman concerning a case before the Greek Judiciary:

“Greece and Russia are linked by a deep relationship of friendship and understanding that is founded on the two countries’ common spiritual and cultural values. The two peoples – participating in the common tradition of Orthodoxy, which spread from Byzantium to Russia – have over the centuries developed strong bonds leading to a relationship of unbreakable trust and brotherhood.

Greece, with its rule of law and long tradition of democracy and respect for human rights, is a country with full respect for the independence of the Judiciary and clear separation of powers. Greece will not accept intimations with regard to these issues.

We remain dedicated to the ongoing strengthening and deepening of Greek-Russian relations.”

December 28, 2011