Foreign Ministry spokesman’s reply to questions regarding the course of the research vessel “Explora”

Foreign Ministry spokesman Gregory Delavekouras made the following statement in reply to questions regarding the course of the Italian research vessel “Explora”:

“The Italian research vessel “Explora” is carrying out supplementary work in a maritime region under Greek jurisdiction, based on the relevant permit issued by the competent Greek authorities, in accordance with international law. As it was obliged to do within the framework of its jurisdiction, Greece issued a relevant NAVTEX.

We are aware that Turkey issued a NAVTEX for the same vessel.

This announcement on the part of Turkey is counter to regulations. Turkey does not have jurisdiction in the region. Such actions, which are not based on the rules of international law, cannot have legal consequences; that is, they do not impact Greece’s rights, which are founded on international law. Greece acts based exclusively on the provisions of the Law of the Sea and the UN Charter, and takes all the necessary actions to defend its sovereign rights.

The Greek Embassy in Ankara made a demarche today to the Turkish Foreign Ministry.”

March 23, 2011