Foreign Ministry spokesman Gregory Delavekouras stated the following in response to a German journalist’s question on the upcoming opening of the trial, on 17 April, of the case of the murders of one Greek and eight Turks by a neo-Nazi organization in Germany:
“The Greek government is closely monitoring developments and the upcoming opening, on 17 April, of the trial of the case of the murders by the neo-Nazi organization NSU, one of the victims of which was Greek.
Through representatives at its Diplomatic and Consular missions in Germany, Greece is in contact with the victim’s family and participated in all the events honouring the memory of the victims’.
With regard to the procedure for following the trial – which has come in for criticism from the Association of Foreign Correspondents in Germany – the Greek side, with respect for the independence of the German judicial system, is certain that there will be transparency and that German and international public opinion will be kept informed.
The crimes, which emanate from a racist and Nazi ideology, shocked Greek public opinion. The sick mindset that leads to such actions is a threat to democracy and institutions. For this reason it is of great importance that there be a trial carried out with transparency, so that the perpetrators of the heinous crimes can be held responsible.”
April 5, 2013