Foreign Ministry spokesperson Konstantinos Koutras stated the following in response to a question regarding the violent incidents that took place in Premeti, Albania:
“We are deeply concerned at reports of violent incidents that took place today in the town of Premeti, at the Church of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary.
The forced removal of clergy, the sealing of the Church – on the day following the celebration of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary – the impeding of faithful from approaching their place of religious worship, and the removal of icons and holy vessels from the church are unacceptable acts and condemnable, regardless of any legal claim.
Respect for religious freedom, protection of places of worship, and the unhindered performance of religious duties are a sine qua non of rule of law and a fundamental element of the community acquis and European institutional culture.
We thus hope that these actions took place without the knowledge of the Albanian government.
Our Embassy and Consular Authorities in Albania have received instructions and are monitoring the matter closely.”
August 16, 2013