Development Cooperation

The Directorate-General for Development and Humanitarian Aid of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

-    Submits the four-year National Programme for International Development Co-operation to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
-    Manages development cooperation funding, as well as other resources or donations transferred to Hellenic Aid by other ministries, public or private organizations (domestic or international).
-    Is responsible for the financing, co-ordination and supervision of development and humanitarian aid actions/programmes.
-    Monitors the implementation of “Contribution Agreements” and “Memoranda of Co-operation”, in the context of the Greek international development co-operation policy.
-    Represents the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in development co-operation working groups of the European Council, the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD and other international organizations and conferences (global or regional), international funds and development banks.
-    Co-operates with the competent bodies of the General Government, civil society organizations and the private sector for achieving effective management of the development cooperation resources and ensures complementarity of actions and projects and policy coherence.
-    Collects and compiles the statistical data for the bilateral and multilateral development aid provided by Greece.
-    Prepares the convening of the Inter-ministerial Committee for Co-ordination of International Development Policy by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
-    Controls the programmes developed by the implementing bodies (CSOs, private sector, academia and other stakeholders) and specifically examines whether they are in the framework of the four-year National Programme for International Development Co-operation.
-    Is responsible for the payment of contributions, which derive from contractual obligations or other voluntary contributions of Greece, as well as for any other form of financing, in the context of the country’s participation in international organizations (global or regional), development banks and international funds.


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