Greeks Abroad

The Greek Diaspora constitutes a vibrant, integral part of Hellenism, connecting people and communities throughout the globe. The migration of Greeks began in antiquity, when they established colonies in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. In more recent times, mass migration took place in the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly to the United States, Canada, Australia, and countries in South America.

Today, the Greek Diaspora is present all around the world, numbering millions of expatriates in more than 80 countries, who actively participate and excel in the social, political, economic and cultural lives of their countries. Their communities act as bridges between these countries and Greece, promoting Greek culture and strengthening the global presence of Hellenism.

Hellenism Abroad, with its global reach and diversity, is an invaluable asset for Greek foreign policy. Greece has set as its strategic vision and major priority the improvement and development of a meaningful, interactive relationship with Greeks abroad, the strengthening of Hellenism worldwide, and maximizing the Greek Diaspora’s potential in promoting issues of Greek interest.

In this context, key reforms and actions have been implemented in recent years, demonstrating Greece’s commitment to improving the everyday lives of Diaspora Greeks and strengthening their ties with their homeland. Key reforms include lifting voting restrictions for expatriates and establishing postal voting in EU elections, digitizing state services for citizens living abroad, expanding the Greek language learning platform and implementing numerous exchanges and hosting programs for Diaspora children and youth.

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has developed and is now implementing the Strategic Plan for Greeks Abroad 2024 – 2027, is based on the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2024 – 2027 and encompasses the vision and key actions of the Ministry for a modern approach to the Greek Diaspora. The Strategic Plan for Greeks Abroad 2024 – 2027 was drawn up on the basis of proposals that have been submitted also in the context of meetings with expatriate organizations and Greeks of the Diaspora.

The Strategic Plan marks a breakthrough in modernizing the policy for the Greek Diaspora, as it spans a four-year implementation period, pursuing structured objectives, with constant evaluation of its actions. It emphasizes the use of modern technological tools, such as digital media and artificial intelligence, while special emphasis is placed on including Diaspora Greeks in shaping and implementing actions and on synergies with other Ministries, local government, as well as ecclesiastical, educational, and cultural entities.

Taking into account the complex and multifaceted nature of the Greek Diaspora and the needs that differ from country to country and from generation to generation, the Strategic Plan provides for the use of different means to implement the strategy for the Greek Diaspora, setting distinct strategic goals with specific targeted operational actions.

The Plan’s strategic objectives include, among others, supporting and developing the Diaspora’s networks and structures, promoting the Greek language and culture, enhancing consular services, enhancing ties with Orthodox ecclesiastical institutions, engaging the new generation of Greeks abroad, and combating brain drain.

Greece aims to ensure that the implementation of the Strategic Plan proceeds smoothly and that the effort made to strengthen the Greek Diaspora is characterized by long-term planning, continuity, and endurance through time.


Greek Diaspora News

Citizen Services

Digital tools

Digital tools and applications that are useful to Greeks abroad


Passports are issued only by the Ministry of Citizen Protection and the Hellenic Police’s National Passport and Secure Document Center (8 Chiou, St., Kaisariani, P.C. 16121, Attica, Tel: 210 729 8000, E-mail: ). Regarding the issuance of a new passport, Greek Missions abroad receive the necessary documentation and forward them to the competent Directorate […]

Register of Certified Translators

The Register of Certified Translators comprises translators certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Certified translators officially translate the following types of documents from a foreign language into Greek and vice versa and provide their services as freelancers: • Public and private documents submitted by individuals or public agencies;• Foreign public documents, as defined in […]

Administrative Affairs

As regards the issuance of all types of certificates ethnic Greeks abroad may contact their nearest consular authority or, alternatively, if they happen to be in Greece, the Foreign Ministry’s H2 Directorate which will pass on their request to the relevant consular authority. If there is a need for assistance by a Greek consulate abroad, […]

Vital Records

According to the new law of the Ministry of Interior (L.4674/2020), as of 01.01.2022, the drafting or transcription of civil registration records for Greeks abroad are directly recorded on the national «Citizens' Register» system, through the Greek Consular Authorities. The Greek Consular Authority issues birth, marriage and death certificates, which have taken place in their […]

National Service

Regarding all Military Service related information, those who are currently located in Greece, should contact the local conscription Offices. Greek Citizens living abroad, should contact the Departments for conscription of the Ministry of National Defense. For further information on conscription issues, interested parties can visit the relevant website of the Ministry of National Defense, which […]
Study in Greece
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