Public Diplomacy

Public diplomacy is an important aspect of soft diplomacy and outreach. It plays a vital role within the framework of multidimensional foreign policy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs places great emphasis on enhancing Greece’s international image through public diplomacy. This priority is reflected in the Strategic Plan 2024-2027, the Annual Action Plan, and the National Strategy for Public Diplomacy.

To enhance Greece’s image on the international stage, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs fosters the development of political, economic, and cultural relations with a wide range of actors and through informing and mobilizing the international public opinion.

Public diplomacy encompasses a wide range of strategies and activities, allowing Greece to use both traditional and modern means to promote its narrative and positions abroad.

By highlighting elements such as Greek history, culture, and language, cultural diplomacy showcases Greece’s rich cultural heritage and contemporary cultural achievements. Educational diplomacy focuses on educational activities, scholarships, and academic partnerships.

Sports diplomacy is a vital aspect of public diplomacy. As the birthplace of the Olympic Games, the Olympic Idea, and classical sports, Greece has a long tradition of organizing major sporting events. Church diplomacy emphasizes inter-religious and intercultural dialogue, the protection of religious freedom, environmental conservation and the preservation of religious cultural heritage.

Public diplomacy also includes the preparation and coordination of global outreach activities that highlight Greece’s positions and comparative advantages in areas such as the economy, new technologies, tourism, and the environment. Harnessing the potential of digital diplomacy, the five foreign language websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Greek News Agenda, Grèce Hebdo, Punto Grecia, Panorama Griego and Griechenland Aktuell -  produce original digital content highlighting various interesting aspects of modern-day Greece.

Through public diplomacy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs manages and promotes the country’s image abroad in a coordinated way, while seeking to enhance Greece’s visibility by reaching the widest possible range of international audiences.

Sta ellinika
Study in Greece
Greek News Agenda Logo
Griechenland Aktuell
Panorama Griego
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