Highlights of Deputy FM Kourkoulas intervention at the ministerial meeting preparatory to the EU-Africa Summit (Brussels, 1 April 2014)

“Peace and security are necessary prerequisites for development and prosperity on both our continents. This is the message that must be expressed by tomorrow’s EU-Africa Summit.

Nine of fifteen ongoing missions within the framework of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy concern Africa, including the mission to the Central African Republic. Another, to Mali, is to go into operation in the near future. This reality underscores in the best possible manner our commitment to the consolidation of peace and security on the African continent.

Our goal is to optimize the benefits of legal immigration and movement for all the involved sides. This can happen only through a comprehensive approach, with emphasis on the proper functioning of a regulated immigration policy.

However, illegal migration clearly has negative repercussions on the level of society as well as on the level of the individual, and it needs to be confronted in an organized and effective manner.

Inspired by a spirit of cooperation and solidarity, we are determined to work to avert the dramatic consequences of illegal migration and safeguard the security of immigrants themselves, with full respect, at the same time, for their human rights.

A comprehensive approach must include preventive policies, with the participation of countries of origin and destination in carrying out awareness campaigns regarding the dangers entailed in illegal migration, as well as cooperation on the level of border protection, prosecution of trafficking rings, and implementation of return and readmission programmes.”

April 1, 2014